This is a tentative syllabus for the Spatial Statistics course. For some topics there will be notes and slides prepared by me. The references consider the sections in the textbooks that are more likely to contain relevant material. BCG refers to Banerjee, Carlin and Gelfand, DR refers to Diggle and Ribeiro, and SG to Schabenberger and Gotway. This table may change substantially during the quarter. The level of proofreading of the notes provided here is not as high as you'd expect from a book. Moreover they are meant to be complemented by my comments and examples during lectures.
TOPIC | References |
Introduction | BCG 1; DR 1; SG 1 |
Fundamentals of Gaussian Processes | |
Some course notes Smoothness of random fields |
BCG 2-3; DR 3.1-3.7; SG 2.1-2.5; 4.7 |
Inference for Gaussian Processes | |
Variogram estimation |
BCG 6.1-6.2; DR 5.1-5.5; 6.1-6.7; 7.2; Banerjee 2017 doi:10.1214/17-BA1056R |
Markov Randon Fields | |
Gaussian Markov Random Fields Non-Gaussian MRF |
BCG 4; 6.4-6.6 |
Multivariate Gaussian Processes | |
Multivariate GP | BCG 9 |
Space-Time Processes | |
Space-time GP (1) (2) | |